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powrót do forum serialu Sherlock


ocenił(a) serial na 8

Znacie może jakieś strony z cytatami z serialu. Są powalające, a szukałam wszędzie i nie mogę znaleźć. Z góry dziękuje za pomoc.



ocenił(a) serial na 10

'Andrson, face the other way, you putting me of'
'Don't move, don't speak, don't breath, I'm trying to think'

ocenił(a) serial na 10

"- Punch me in the face.
- Punch you?
- Yes. Punch me. In the face. Didn't you hear me?
- I always hear "punch me in the face" when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext"

I jeden z moich ulubionych:
"Sherlock: It's this or Cluedo.
John: No. We are never playing that again.
- Why not?
- It's not possible for the victim to have done it.
- It was the only possible solution.
- It's not in the rules.
- Well, then the rules are wrong!"
Sherlock grający w Cluedo. Chciałbym to zobaczyć.

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Ja też chciałabym to zobaczyć i sama poluję na tą grę, żeby się faktycznie przekonać, czy to ofiara była mordercą :D

John: "What the hell are you doing?!"
Sherlock: "Bored."
John: "...what?"
Sherlock: "Bored!"
He shoots the wall.
Sherlock: "Bored!"
And again.
Sherlock: "Bored! I don't know what's gotten into the criminal classes, good job I'm not one of them."
John: "So you take it out on the wall?"
Sherlock: "Oh, the wall had it coming."

Dobre jeszcze było:

'What it's like in your funny little brains! It mus be so relaxing' :D

i coś jeszcze z GREA

Jim Moriarty: "I will burn the heart out of you."
Sherlock: "I have been reliably informed that I don't have one."
Jim Moriarty: "Oh, but we both know that's not quite true."

Sherlock: "People have died."
Jim Moriarty: "That's what people do!"

John: "You, ripping off my clothes in a darkened swimming pool. People might talk."
Sherlock: "People do little else." :D

A Study In Pink Quotes
List by criminalminds15 posted 1 year ago

6 fans

1.01 "A Study in Pink"

"Oh, look at you lot. You're all so vacant. Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing."
-- Sherlock

"Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring!"
-- Sherlock

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research."
-- Sherlock (to Anderson)

"We've got a serial killer! Love those, there's always something to look forward to."
-- Sherlock

"Mrs Hudson took my skull."
-- Sherlock

Donovan: "Are these human eyes?"
Sherlock: "Put those back!"
Donovan: "They were in the microwave!"
Sherlock: "It's an experiment!"

Sherlock: "Shut up."
Lestrade: "I didn't say anyth-- "
Sherlock: "You were thinking. It's annoying."

"Anderson, don't talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the entire street."
-- Sherlock

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Co do Cluedo - mam tę grę i kiedyś miałam podobną sytuację. Ktoś źle włożył karty do koperty, nie pamiętam czego brakowało a czego było za dużo. Ale brak karty z mordercą w kopercie to jedyna możliwość, żeby ofiara była sprawcą. A planszę do gry można było zobaczyć odcinek wcześniej przybitą nożem koło lustra - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/688/beztytuupup.png/ :D
Ciekawe z kim jeszcze grali (do tej gry potrzeba min 3 os.) Pewnie z panią Hudson. :)

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Albo z Czaszką :D


Moriarty: Suddenly, I'm Mr Sex.

Najlepszy 'one-line' w historii serialu. ;)

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Jeszcze już nie z 'one-line'ów'

SH: Catch. You. Later.
M: No You won't!! :D


"In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king and, honey, you should see me in a crown"


Klasyk !

ocenił(a) serial na 10

i sposób w jaki to mówi xd

ocenił(a) serial na 10



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