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Black Sails
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powrót do forum serialu Piraci

1. Rozbił mnie swoim teksem z odcinka finałowego do Silvera:

"This is how they survive. You must know this. You're too smart not to know this. They paint the world full of shadows and then tell their children to stay close to the light. Their light, their reasons, their judgments. Because in the darkness... there be dragons. But it isn't true. We can prove that it isn't true! In the dark there is discovery, there is possibility, there is freedom... in the dark, once someone has illuminated it."

2. Świetna jest jego przemowa przed wpłynięciem w sztorm - z sezonu 3, chyba odcinka 2 - " Do any of you want to surrender to men who fear you..."

3 i przemowa Flinta z odcinka 3 sezonu 2 - gdy Flint daje rozkaz ataku na fort i Vane'a .


też zapamietałam tę wypowiedź o wolności

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Mowa Vane'a podczas procesu Flinta w finale sezonu 2. "(...) For those of you who live to see tomorrow, know that you had a choice to see the truth, and you let yourself be convinced otherwise."

"My name is John Silver. And I've got long f*****g memory."

I moja ulubiona scena:
- Don't you wanna hear the rest of my terms first?
- By all means.
- I get your ship. I get your cargo. I get your weapons. I get it all.
- And what exactly will I get in exchange for all of that?
- A head start.
- Mr. Holmes!
- Mr. Holmes doesn't work here anymore..."

ocenił(a) serial na 9

O tak; ) rozmowa Vane'a z Nedem Low - była zabójcza; )


"My name is John Silver. And I've got long f*****g memory."
To było świetne :D

ocenił(a) serial na 10

1 odcinek, 2 sezon - Przemowa Flinta na plaży o Statku Wojennym. "Fu*king War-ship"





Serial to kopalnia świetnych dialogów. Wpisałem cytaty w google i wybrałem, które mi się podobały (wszystkie powyżej przez Was zapodane mi się cholernie podobały, więc nie powtarzam - ten zapodany przez @dachowiedz w rozszerzeniu) + rozmowy Flinta z Silverem w większości humorystyczne :D:

Flint to mistrzostwo świata:
Flint (poniżej będzie też tekst Vane'a o tym statku :P):
There's no way of approaching that beach from the land. And even if it weren't for the soldiers, and even if it weren't for the guns; there's a f**king warship watching over every inch of the bay. A f**king warship that's already killed half your number. A f**king warship that will prevent any approach to that beach via the sea. There's simply no way of stealing that gold. But there might be something else you can steal. The f**king warship.

I don't believe you did any of this for a pardon; or a passage to Nassau; or to be able to walk away from anything. I think you intend to reclaim your captaincy. I think you intend to take control of this ship. And then I think you intend to return to that beach, armed to the teeth, and seize every last ounce of gold off of it. And I think you're going to need my help to do it.

Nassau was unable to resist him, but we have yet to have our say. So, at sunrise tomorrow we make our terms clear, with no room for bargain or compromise. Charles Vane and the animals he commands have until sunrise tomorrow to vacate that fort or so help me God, I will reign holy hell down upon him.

It was as if the sea had conjured that man out of nothing, and then taken him back for some unknowable purpose. When I first met Mr. Gates and he asked me my name, I feared the man I was about to create. I feared that someone, born of such dark things, would conceal me were I not careful. And I was determined to wear him only for a while, and then dispose of him when his purpose was complete. And I thought of that story.

I have one regret. I regret ever coming to this place with the assumption that a reconciliation could be found. That reason, could be a bridge between us. Everyone is a monster to someone. Since you are so convinced that I am yours, I will be it.

The closer we get to the end of this journey, the more contradictions we’ll accumulate — confusing issues we once thought were clear. I suppose the good news is, that’s how we’ll know we’re finally getting somewhere interesting.

The Empire survives in part because we believe its survival to be inevitable. It isn’t. And they know that. That’s why they’re so terrified of you and I. If we are able to take Nassau, if we are able to expose the illusion that England is not inevitable. If we are able to incite a revolt that spreads across the New World...then yeah, I imagine people are going to notice.

Rozmowy Flinta z innymi:
Flint: There is a girl in your possession, her name is Abigail. Give her to me and I will stand down my men, you can have the fort.
Eleanor: You'd give all this up for a little money?
Flint: She's worth more to me than money. She's the future of this place.

Flint: If you're looking for something more immediate, then how about your own survival? If we can not agree to do this together then I walk out of here and I lead my men in cutting down what remains of yours.
Vane: This girl is so valuable to you, yet you would risk her death just to punish me? You have one of two choices, try and take her and hope she survives the fight or pay me what she's worth.
Flint: And what exactly do you estimate that to be?
Vane: One Spanish Man of War.

Rozmowy Flinta z Silverem :D
Silver: Hang on, you're serious about taking the ship?
Flint: What the f**ck did you think?
Silver: I thought this was how you intended to escape.

Flint: Did Billy say what happened?
Silver: He was fished from the water by the Scarborough, tortured and escaped.
Flint: Did he say how he went into the water?
Silver: He said he lost his footing and he fell. He said you tried to save him.
Flint: And how did the crew react to hearing that?
Silver: Stunned and surprised I would say.

Silver: There's no we, we stopped being a thing of any relevance about an hour ago.
Flint: Is that so?
Silver: I believe I've been clear about the nature of my investment here. The gold was the inducement, now no gold...
Flint: It's an unfortunate development, but we have to adapt and quickly.
Silver: Adapt? I've had about my fill of adapting lately. Doing your bidding, keeping the crew in line for you.
Flint: I wasn't the only one to benefit from that.
Silver: It certainly seemed that way. Even now you're the only one benefiting from it.
Flint: What are you saying? That I'm benefiting from the gold having disappeared?
Silver: It certainly solved a number of problems for you; didn't it? I have a half mind to wonder if you didn't orchestrate this whole thing to your advantage.

Flint: A strong gust has come to this place. The men can feel it. Now it will upset everything they thought they understood just a few days ago. They'll need to lean on something solid. On the men who can reassure them that in times like these there are some things that can be counted on. They'll look to me for that, but they'll also look to their new quartermaster.
Silver: They voted?
Flint: A few days ago. I think the men wanted to tell you when you awoke, so try and act surprised.

Flint: The threats have been made, the story’s been told, everybody in Nassau knows what Long John Silver’s return means, what’s expected of them when he does return...all that remains to do is for him to return.
Silver: It would help if Nassau knew I was coming.

Rozmowy Silvera:
Silver: Why?
Vincent: I thought you made it clear what I was to do.
Silver: How the f**k could you have thought that? :D
Vincent: You said he could sink us. You gave me a look.
Silver: Let me see if I have this. Flint gives an order, but to get you men to follow it I need to come down here, put on a show and convince you it's in your interest? But I give you a look, and you're willing to murder a man over it?
Vincent: I listen to Flint because you tell me it's in my interests. I listen to you, because I know you give a shit about my interests and I ain't the only one that thinks that way.

Billy: Who said anything about rescuing anyone?
Silver: Didn't Captain Vane?
Billy: There's a significant difference between preventing Ashe from making a trophy of Flint, and saving Flint's life. Whose to say Vane doesn't help Flint escape from shore, and then slit his throat the moment we're in open water? Along with all of ours.
Silver: That was dark.

Eleanor ma ciekawą wymianę zdań z Madi o 'miłości'/izolacji:
Eleanor: When Mrs. Scott — when your father told me that you and your mother had died...it affected me a great deal. Must’ve been hard...to live hidden away for so long.
Madi: It was hard to be away from him. The rest of it...a mama that did the best she could with the rest of it.
Eleanor: She must’ve done well. I found myself thinking about it. Of walking away from Nassau, from England, from civilization...one can be happy that way, can’t they? A life of isolation, uncertainty, as long as it is lived with someone you love...and who loves you back? It is possible isn’t it?
Madi: It is.

I kolejna, o zaufaniu wobec Flinta a w zasadzie nieufności wobec wszystkich i jak się można mylic:
Eleanor: You trust him? Flint? Cast your lot with him?
Madi: What does it matter to you?
Eleanor: Before this war began, before everyone’s roles changed, your father mistrusted Flint as much as anyone in Nassau did. I assume you were in some contact with him all that time...and I’m surprised his feelings didn’t influence you.
Madi: You were my sister. There is very little I remember from when I was young, but I remember this — you were older, you were beautiful. I revered you. When you were told that my mother and I were dead, I have to believe that it affected you. You had just lost your mother. But if things were as I remember, my mother and I were your family, too. And yet, through all the years thereafter that my father cared for you, counseled you, labored for you, he never told you that we were alive. It would have been so easy to lessen your suffering by divulging the secret...and yet he never did. Have you yet asked yourself why that is? My father didn’t mistrust Flint. My father mistrusted all of you.

Eleanor o prawdzie objawionej, że rządziła zawsze za pomocą/przy pomocy mężczyzn i zajebista riposta Flinta o Rogersie:
Eleanor: ...I thought I knew who I was...a daughter who usurped her father...a woman who had taken control of a wild place...but always with a man behind me, doing his damnedest to bend it all to his benefit. My father, Scott, Charles, you...so many goddamned men here...too many goddamned men here...
Flint: Woodes Rogers. He’s really so different from the rest of us?

Rackham odpysk**uje Max.. a w zasadzie jest głosem widzów ;)
Max: I came to find Eleanor.
Capt. Jack Rackham: I betrayed you Jack...tried to trade your life for my own personal gain, lied to Ann to her face about it...please, Jack...I beg of you, is there any way you can forgive me? That’s was the general sense of what I thought I might hear, coming from your mouth, were I ever this close to you again.

I kolejne dwa:
Jack: How did that go?
Max: I have seen what Eleanor Guthrie can build when she is feeling ambitious. I have seen what she can destroy when she is angered.
Jack: Which of the two was she just now?
Max: She was something else entirely.

Rackham na wieść o 'dilu' między Flintem i Eleanor :D
Eleanor: ...I am leaving. And as my collateral to ensure that this deal is consummated, he’ll be coming with me to the fort.
Rackham: This deal? As in the one in which you walk away with all my money? It seems the only means I have in registering any meaningful disapproval of this deal at this point is to kill one or the both of you.

Jeden z przykładów jak Max potrafiła odpowiedziec :D
Max: What is happening here - the three of us - it is only temporary. A state of denial until she finally makes a choice.
Rackham: A choice between you and I? Anne and I have been by each others sides since she was thirteen years old. We have sailed together, we've killed together, we have shared things you couldn't begin to imagine. You've shared a bed with her for a week.
Max: You would be amazed what could change in a week in my bed.

3. Silver mówi ciekawy monolog o wybieraniu a Billy kwituje to w zasadzie paroma słowami (przy tym zaznaczam: i monolog Silvera mi się podoba, i odp. Billy'ego):
Silver: I did not want this. Flint is my friend. But I’m not what he is. I have no illusions about it. But for all the dangers he presents...for all his offenses, the one thing he’s never done is force me to choose between him and you. That...you did. But it isn’t too late to find a way to remedy it...You made a terrible mistake...and you paid a terrible price. But we’re at war...and you’re an asset. In spite what’s goin’ on, you are my friend...and the men out there have had their pound of flesh and our men...Billy I could walk out there and tell them the sky is red and they’d believe me. That’s the power you’ve given me. But I have to know this is over... your vendetta against Flint...your need to see him dead or departed from our story. I have to know you’ll never put me to a choice between you again. Swear it and this all ends.
Billy Bones: You chose. Live with it.

Wyszło szydło z worka:
Garrett: Long John Silver... all he had to do was open his mouth...say your name...and everyone listened.
Billy: What was it that he said about me?
Garrett: He said the reason Flint’s fleet never got warning about the barricade in the harbor wasn’t because Mr. Featherstone didn’t relay it...it wasn’t because Max intercepted it...he said it was because you never sent it in the first place.
Billy: And they all believed him...
Garrett: I don’t think that anyone actually believed it. You weren’t indicted based on the facts, or our suspicions of your motives. He just said it. I think no one had the balls to defy him.

Thousands of men in Nassau are living in fear of my return because I decreed it. Hundreds of dead Redcoats in a forest far from here because I made it so. I’m the reason grown men lie awake at night. I am a new beginning for Nassau.

If the story of the pirate Jack Rackham is to end with him standing alongside Blackbeard as an equal, together defeating the governor, who hanged Charles Vane and in so doing, restoring pirate rule over Nassau...that is an ending I can live with.

Billy do Vane'a pod koniec s2 aby przekonac go, że muszą połączyc siły a nie walczyc między sobą bo nadchodzi większe zagrożenie:
You hate Flint. I hate Flint. But right now he’s talking about how we survive what comes next. And you’re talking about what you think is yours. When the Navy arrives, they aren’t going to give a F**k what belongs to you or what belongs to me. Because to them, there is no difference between you and me.

Ned L. do Vane'a:
I've made camp at Port Royal, Tortuga, Kingston. No matter where I've been one thing is true, there's always one. The one you don't cross. It would seem readily apparent, that in this place that would be you.

Pani Barlow:
Every man has his torments. Demons born of past wrongs that hound and harass him. You perceive the effects of Captain Flint's demons; echoes of their voices. But I know their names. I was there when they were born. I know the things they whisper to him at night. So you can believe me when I tell you that within his chorus of torments, none of them look or sound like me.

Berringer-3-odcinkowy: When the dread moment arrives, your true nature will assert itself. The confusion will lift and all will appear as it should be.
Rogers: You’ve given me good men to lead. I’ll do my best by them.
Berringer: There isn’t a good man among them. Not anymore...right now, good men is not what the moment requires. Right now, the time calls for dark men to do dark things. Do not be afraid to lead them to it.

I na deser:
Max: I know what Low's cargo is.
Vane: No shit.

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Rewelacyjna była ta rozmowa z Silverem "You gave me a look" - niesamowicie mnie rozbawiła :D :D

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Najlepszy tekst z serialu:
F*ck you, Jack.

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Fajf. Mylion. Spenisz. Dolys.

ocenił(a) serial na 9

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