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Doktor Quinn

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman
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Doktor Quinn
powrót do forum serialu Doktor Quinn

Wlasnie ogladam jakis filmik na youtube.com tzn byla piosenka C.Dion i do tego scenki z dr.Quinn... i byla scena gdzie Ona najpierw jest troche obszarpana i tylko w bialej bieliznie i siedzi a kamieniu bodajze a Sully obok i ja glaszcze potem sie caluja w szczegoly nie wnikajmy.Ale chodzi mi o to ze chyba byla jakas eskapada czy ta dr.Mike porwali a Sully ja uratowal a ona byla potem chora.
Tylko w ogole zapomnialam o co chodzi i czy moglibyscie mi przypomniej w ktorym to bylo odcinku/sezonie,na jakim etapie znajomosci ich,i w ogole o co w tym wszytskim chodzilo?
Wiem ze moze glupia prosba ale ja mam tylko przeblyski w glowie,a teraz caly czas chodze po domu i sie zastanawiam o co chodzilo.No i jestem ciekawa czy to jeszcze przed nami jak szanowna TVP zacznie emitowac znowu drQuinn czy juz bylo...
jak ktos pamieta/ma czas strescic to z gory wielkie dzieki i pozdro:)

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Ten odcinek był dosłownie jakiś tydzień temu, więc jest z drugiego sezonu :)

ocenił(a) serial na 8

To były właściwie 2 odcinki powiązane ze sobą. Oto ich streszczenie:

The Abduction - part 1

Mike makes an unannounced supply detelegraph to the reservation with two Army soldiers, surprising some renegade Dog Soldiers. When the Dog Soldiers shoot the Army men, Mike is drawn into unwilling complicity by Sully and Cloud Dancing, who fear retaliation from the army on the innocent Cheyenne.

Custer confronts Mike about his missing men. She denies seeing them. The next day the widow of one of the soldiers confronts Mike about her dead husband. Has she seen him? Mike lies, but feels guilty; she vows if asked again, she'll tell the truth. Sully warns that if she does, the Army will come back and wipe out everyone at the reservation. Custer confronts Mike again about the missing men, and she admits she lied. Mike and Sully go to the reservation to warn the Indians. During the mass exodus, Cloud Dancing's son Walks on Cloud accuses Mike and/or Sully of betraying the Indians, then joins the Dog Soldiers. Mike confesses to Cloud Dancing and Walks on Cloud that it was she who told Custer about the cavalrymen.

Later, in the night, Sully confronts a Cheyenne war party. He realizes they're going to attack the town, and heads in to warn Mike. At that moment, the Indians attack the town with burning arrows. The town, realizing the Army can no longer protect them, puts up barricades. Anti-Indian feeling is running high. Later, Mike realizes that one of her patients is stranded outside town with a broken leg. She and Sully go to rescue her. Mike and Sully arrive at the patient's cabin, but she's already been evacuated. Dog Soldiers ambush the couple and abduct Mike. Sully screams to her that he'll find her.

The Abduction - part 2

Sully and Matthew ride into town; sound the alarm that Mike's been abducted. Custer refuses to help in the hunt until daylight. Sully takes off looking for her. Custer brings in thirty of the Indians from the reservation, including women, children, elders, and Cloud Dancing. Meanwhile, Sully tracks Mike and finds her, but the Indians retain their hold on her. Walks on Cloud shouts to Sully to go back and tell Custer to let his father and his village free. (Sully had no idea they were prisoners.) Sully returns to town, and Custer tells him that unless Mike's returned safely, he'll begin executing the Indians as soon as a gallows can be constructed. They continue to be constructed in the background as the episode plays out.

In camp, One Eye decides he wants Mike in the biblical sense, but Walks on Cloud intercedes, trading his necklace for her. He sets her loose, telling her she's the only one who can save his father and the reservation people, but he's shot for letting her escape, and she's recaptured. Fortunately, Sully's close. In the woods, Sully rescues Mike and they escape with the Indians in close pursuit. Mike awakens in her underclothes on a soft bed of pine boughs and calls to Sully. He comes to her and assures her she's safe. Upon learning that the Dog Soldiers didn't "hurt" her, Sully's relief overwhelms him and he and Mike share a very passionate kiss. Later, in the woods, the Indians close in on Mike and Sully. They leap off a cliff into the river; risking their very lives but escaping the Dog Soldiers, and coming back in town at the 11th hour, just in time to take the noose from around Cloud Dancing's neck. Mike tells Cloud Dancing of Walks on Cloud's noble death and gives him the necklace he exchanged for her.

Meanwhile, Brian discovers and falls in love with an adorable horse which Hank wins in a poker game, only to mistreat. Brian tells the family he wants a horse for his birthday. Matthew tries to buy it, and after it's wounded, Matthew strikes a deal with Hank that Brian can work to buy the horse from Hank. Hank goes back on his promise when he "sells" the horse in a poker game, but Loren convinces Hank to stick to his word. Later, at the homestead, after Mike and Sully are back home, the family tries to cheer a disheartened Brian as he plays pin the tail on the donkey. As he's blindfolded, Hank rides up and delivers the horse, and Brian, in his jubilation, names her "Taffy," due to her love of candy.

The episode ends with a cute exchange between Mike and Sully, where Mike thanks Sully for saving her life, to which he responds by kissing her and saying, "We couldn't miss a birthday, now could we?"


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