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House of Dark Shadows
powrót do forum filmu House of Dark Shadows


ocenił(a) film na 5

jeśli twoje dziecko najbardziej na świecie kocha filmy, a ty najbardziej na świecie kochasz swoje dziecko, to kup mu cinema speculation - w świątyni, rozdział 01:

The eagle-claws-through-the-chest initiation rite in A Man Called Horse blew my fakking mind. As did Barnabas Collins’ blood-squirting slow-motion wooden-stake evisceration in House of Dark Shadows. I remember, during both moments, staring at the screen with my mouth wide open, not quite believing a movie could do that. On those nights, I’m sure I was the most vocal one on the car ride home (I thought those movies were incredible).

ocenił(a) film na 5

ps. the way vampirism is treated here is very similar to what a zombie bite does. or the way in Rabbid where somebody gets bitten, and now they've got this disease, and now they're not who they were. now i saw that when it came out in 1970. i hadn't seen that many horror films by that point in time obviously, but i have since than and vampirism wasn't treated exactly the way it was treated in House of Dark Shadows until House of Dark Shadows. it seemed like dan curtis went out to just completely blow hammer out of the water and i kind of think they did. it seems new. it's not a disease movie. but vampirism is treated as if it is a disease. it's actually treated so much as if it's a disease, there's a doctor there trying to cure barnaba collins of his vampirism. and it's working. it's a disease to be cured.

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